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The Three Most Common Suspension Repairs You Shouldn’t Ignore

I’ll take care of that later,” you say. After all, it’s just a little noise, maybe an irritating “clunk” or perhaps your steering meanders just a bit. But that’s probably a bad idea.

It turns out, those inconvenient little indicators of suspension problems can turn into big headaches. Especially the three most common suspension issues that can quickly become major headaches.

Shocks & Struts

Bilstein Shock Absorber

Driving with worn-out shocks or struts is like trying to run when you're tipsy—it’s unstable, unpredictable, and a little bit dangerous. Your ability to control the vehicle takes a major hit. Worn shocks won’t absorb impacts from bumps and potholes, leaving your truck bouncing like a basketball. That bounce isn’t just annoying; it reduces tire contact with the road, which means you’ve got less grip when you need it most—during sharp turns, sudden stops, or when you hit an unexpected patch of ice or rain.

What you may not realize is this condition causes a braking issue. Bad shocks or struts can cause your truck’s weight to shift, especially when you press on the brakes. Instead of stopping smoothly, the nose of your vehicle might dive down like it’s doing a face-plant, while the rear lifts up. This increases stopping distance, which could be the difference between a big sigh of relief or trading insurance details after rear-ending someone. Plus, all that shifting weight makes your tires wear unevenly, leading to worse performance, and shorter tire life.

---Did you know Pickup Outfitters repairs truck suspension?---

There’s also the comfort factor to consider. Sure, safety is the top priority, but driving with worn or blown shocks also feels like riding a cheap carnival ride at the county fair. Every little bump sends a jolt through the cabin, making your daily commute feel like an off-road rally.

The constant shaking messes with your focus and wears down your concentration, creating a dangerous driving situation. Bottom line: a simple thing like bad shocks or struts can lead to unsafe driving conditions.

Ball Joints

Suspenion Ball Joint

Next in line are busted ball joints. You might not even know what these are—until they go bad, and your truck starts groaning every time you turn a corner. The ball joint is the pivot point between your suspension and wheels, and if it fails, the results can be catastrophic. This is definitely a problem you do not want to ignore. In worst-case-scenario, you risk your wheel falling off.

The ball joints provide that crucial connection between your suspension and wheels, helping your truck steer and keep everything maneuvering smoothly. When ball joints wear out or fail, you lose control over that connection. This can lead to your wheels wobbling, being misaligned, or worse—completely detaching. Yep, you heard that right: if a ball joint fails completely, your wheel could literally break free from your vehicle while you’re cruising down the highway. Worn ball joints are an issue you cannot afford to ignore.

Not every ball joint issue will be that extreme. Driving with worn ball joints makes steering unpredictable. Your truck will start pulling to one side, and the handling will feel loose and sloppy. At best, you’ll constantly be wrestling with the wheel just to keep your truck in a straight line. At worst, during a sharp turn or emergency maneuver, you could lose control altogether, turning your vehicle into an uncontrolled mass of metal.

Then there's the noise—a lovely symphony of clunking and squeaking that’s more than just irritating. It’s a warning sign that your ball joints are on their last legs. If you ignore it, you're also putting excessive stress on other suspension components, leading to a chain reaction of costly repairs. So, driving with busted ball joints isn't just dangerous for you and others on the road—it's also an open invitation for your truck to empty your wallet.


Suspension Control Arms and Bushings

Last but not least, let’s talk about the control arms, or as we like to call them, the ‘unsung rulers of chaos.’ Control arms keep your wheels aligned and smooth out your ride. But when their bushings wear down, every bump in the road creates instability and steering becomes less responsive.

The control arm bushings act as a cushion between the control arms and your truck’s frame, helping to absorb vibrations and maintain proper alignment. When they’re shot, every bump in the road rattles through the suspension and straight to the wheels, throwing off your truck’s handling. Steering becomes loose, so making tight turns or precise maneuvers becomes more like a guessing game—one where the stakes are your truck’s control over the road.

Worn-out bushings also lead to alignment issues. Your tires may not stay perfectly perpendicular to the road, which causes uneven wear and reduces traction. This not only affects your vehicle’s stability, especially in wet or slippery conditions, but it also increases the risk of a tire blowout. Add in the fact that your suspension geometry is now out of whack, and you’ve got a recipe for steering instability, unpredictable handling, and overall poor control. The truck starts to wander all over the lane, and you’re constantly making small corrections just to keep it straight.

Lastly, worn bushings can mess with your braking performance. When they’re no longer doing their job of keeping everything tight and in place, braking forces aren’t distributed evenly, meaning your vehicle could pull to one side when you hit the brakes. In an emergency stop, that loss of control could be the difference between a close call and a collision. Plus, as the worn bushings let everything shift and clunk around, you’re adding unnecessary wear to other suspension components—leading to a domino effect of damage.


Let Pickup Outfitters of Waco take care of the suspension issues on your truck. We specialize in Pickup Truck suspension and back up our work with free warranty assistance and a lifetime installation guarantee.

Call us at 254-399-9416 or come by 4535 W. Waco Drive to have your suspension checked out by the pickup up truck specialists.